The winter months can be a struggle, with their long dark days and not enough sunlight for our liking.
As dog owners and lovers though, we have a secret weapon to combat those winter blues – our pawesome pooches!
Read on to see why our four-legged friends can be just the tonic we need…
Keeping exercised boosts our mood and improves our health!
Thanks to our dogs, daily exercise is guaranteed, whatever the winter weather! Hitting the pavement / trail and getting our heart rates up stimulates our bodies to release endorphins, those ‘feel good’ hormones, which not only boosts our mood, feelings of pleasure and wellbeing, but also reduces our feelings of pain and discomfort. Regular exercise can help our quality of sleep, reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure, improve our cardiovascular health and generally makes us happier.
Getting outside is good for the soul
Aside from the exercise factor, time outside in the fresh air can do wonders for our mental health. Our dogs’ daily walkies force us to take a break from those ever-present screens and give an opportunity to reflect and digest what the day is presenting. Whether a decent hour in the woods or a quick spin round the block between meetings, these intervals in our busy lives are important for keeping those winter blues at bay.
The pawsome power of touch
Scientific studies show that stroking an animal can have a calming and anxiety-reducing effect on us humans, hence why therapy animals can be found giving out cuddles in many areas of society – hospitals, prisons, schools etc. So that cuddle on the sofa, tickle under the chin while you’re at your desk or full-on stroking sesh lying on the kitchen floor is absolutely worth it.
Living in the present, as only our dogs know how
There’s no better feeling than coming through the front door and having a waggy tail to greet you. Particularly if we’ve had a tough day, our dogs remind us that there are other things to focus on – like feeding time and belly rubs! They help us to re-focus and shift our attention from what has been going on, to what is happening right now in front of us and remind us there is more to life than the tricky parts we tend to dwell on. Had a horrible meeting? No time to stew in it, your pup needs a walk!
Always ready for fun, it’s infectious!
If you stand in front of your dog and act excited for no particular reason, they’re always ready to celebrate with you, their natural enthusiasm and zest for life cannot fail to lift the spirits! Why not give it a try right now? Have a little party in your living room and we guarantee your pup will be bouncing around beside you, and you’ll be all-smiles after a bit of silliness and fun.
So if you’ve rescued a dog, allow them to return the favour by staying active, enjoying the outdoors together and cuddling up on the sofa during the winter months, you’ll both feel all the better for it!